Stomach muscle Wheel for stomach center exercise helps manufacture your six pack and shape your abs from your home, the....
Stomach muscle Wheel for stomach center exercise helps manufacture your six pack and shape your abs from your home, the rec center or while voyaging.
Abdominal muscle Roller perfect for center quality and can be joined with yoga, Pilates or general quality preparing to shred those abs
Single solid PVC wheel with elastic track for good hold and on all surfaces. Solid treated steel bar with EVA froth hand grasps. Light weight just 464g yet solid and simple to collect.
Box set incorporates one Ab Wheel with handle and grasps, one knee tangle and one Skipping Rope
Wheel has a distance across of 7in (17.6cm), wheel is 2in (4.8cm) wide, hand bar is 11in (29cm) start to finish with a width (of the hold) of 1.15in (2.9cm). Weight of haggle is 464g. Knee tangle estimates 11in (29cm) x 7.5in (19cm) x 0.5in (1.4cm) and Weighs 63g. Hop rope has generally speaking length of 116.5in (296cm) which incorporates the 2 holds estimating 4in (10cm) each, weight of skipping rope is 80g.
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